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WILD NEWS:  We see you guys riding your mountain bikes on the roads around Wilderness so often: who are you and what’s up?

WILDERNESS WHEELERS: We are a virtual club, formed in 1999 by Johan Nicol, Jan vd Westhuizen, Thea Barkhuizen and Clive Rennie. We’re not affiliated anywhere, so it’s not a real club, more a support group like the AA, helping members deal with an addiction.

WN: Addiction? Does that mean a daily fix?

WW: Not quite, we find that we can function pretty well on 5 to 6 rides per week,  although we have perhaps increased dosages somewhat over the years.

WN: Now that must add up to a lot of kilometres?

WW: The three founder members  Clive, Jan and Johan calculated that cumulatively, they covered 250,000 km in the first decade of this century. Roughly 8,000 per annum per rider. (Some have log books dating back to 1962 when they started cycling.)

WN: All on the same bikes?

WW: We get about 25,000 km on a good MTB. Technology develops rapidly so we have an excuse for a new bike about every three years.  But some guys like Jan will ride a bike for 50,000 plus km.

WN: Everything seems to work in multiples of 25?

WW: A bike costs about 25 and we hope to ride until we are 75.

WN: Oh. I see. (deep breath)

Has the “club” remained unchanged?

WW: Thank heavens, no!  We have gained new members Jos van Eeden,  Hilton Cook , Gerhard Muller and Pieter Naude. We also find that we are drifting from  being highly competitive, doing races and chasing records, to a much more relaxed stance where we tour a lot and the focus is on enjoyment.

WN: What are some of these records?

WW: Our “Bush Road” record stands at 56 minutes. Leaving from the hotel, we would go up Whites as fast as possible to reach Bundu in 18 minutes, then recuperate on the Seven Passes road without losing time on the Touw River climb to reach Hoekwil in 44, then fly down Serpentine at about 80 km/h and do Waterside Road in 9 mins back to the start.

Another record we are proud of, is doing Heights from hotel to beacon in under 10 minutes – some guys cannot even ride up there, the climb is 1 in 5!

WN: I know, our Wild News Beetle struggles to get up in second gear! Have you had any mishaps?

WW: It is quite easy to fall but we have been lucky. Apart from ribs and collar bones, we have so far only fractured pelvis, shoulder and femur, and not all on the same rider. And we have to thank all motorists in our area for their selfless consideration and patience with us on the roads.

WN: But why do you ride?

WW: Short answer would be because we live in the Wilderness. A variety of wonderful roads and mountain passes, beautiful scenery, little traffic. But as important are reasons such as health, happiness, cameradery.

WN: Plans for the future?

WW: Keep riding, more tours, a few more bikes, no more falls or fractures!

Oh, and we hope to do lap number 1000 of the Bush Road (25km) on October 1 this year.

WN: Thanks, anything more?

WW: Just to repeat our heartfelt thanks to all the people of the area for their friendly patience with us. We’ll keep going and we’ll keep left!